Sunday, May 31, 2020

Free JibberJobber for Veterans (and active duty)

Free JibberJobber for Veterans (and active duty) Please share this with the share buttons on the right of this post! For over nine years Ive been giving one year upgrades to military veterans and active duty members.  One of the branches (Air Force or Army, I think) has a link to JibberJobber on their TAP website (if you are military, you know what TAP is :p).  Otherwise, its mostly been through word of mouth, letting people know about the one year upgrade. When I was on my big 2015 speaking tour, I forgot to mention this in 12 of my 13 presentations.  I regret that (I always tweak my presentations up to the last minute, and simply forgot to make this a big deal). Sorry about that but here I am to tell you, and everyone else, that veterans can simply ask for a one year upgrade, and well give it to them. Its that simple. The best thing to do is to mail Liz your DD-214, or email us from a military email address. Please share this with as many active duty, veterans, and military families as you can.  I wish the military would more proactively share this, but I have had a very hard time getting it in front of anyone who is willing to share it. I was looking at my archives to see if I could find other information check out these links: The first post I did on this, about a month after I started blogging.  This has been going on for over 9 years, and I dont see it stopping: JibberJobber for the troops Why have I given this away for so long?  Here are some reasons: JibberJobber for veterans: why? Who else in the career space is helping veterans?  Here are private business owners who have stepped up: Career Service Providers Who Provide Discounts for Military Vetearns Free JibberJobber for Veterans (and active duty) Please share this with the share buttons on the right of this post! For over nine years Ive been giving one year upgrades to military veterans and active duty members.  One of the branches (Air Force or Army, I think) has a link to JibberJobber on their TAP website (if you are military, you know what TAP is :p).  Otherwise, its mostly been through word of mouth, letting people know about the one year upgrade. When I was on my big 2015 speaking tour, I forgot to mention this in 12 of my 13 presentations.  I regret that (I always tweak my presentations up to the last minute, and simply forgot to make this a big deal). Sorry about that but here I am to tell you, and everyone else, that veterans can simply ask for a one year upgrade, and well give it to them. Its that simple. The best thing to do is to mail Liz your DD-214, or email us from a military email address. Please share this with as many active duty, veterans, and military families as you can.  I wish the military would more proactively share this, but I have had a very hard time getting it in front of anyone who is willing to share it. I was looking at my archives to see if I could find other information check out these links: The first post I did on this, about a month after I started blogging.  This has been going on for over 9 years, and I dont see it stopping: JibberJobber for the troops Why have I given this away for so long?  Here are some reasons: JibberJobber for veterans: why? Who else in the career space is helping veterans?  Here are private business owners who have stepped up: Career Service Providers Who Provide Discounts for Military Vetearns Free JibberJobber for Veterans (and active duty) Please share this with the share buttons on the right of this post! For over nine years Ive been giving one year upgrades to military veterans and active duty members.  One of the branches (Air Force or Army, I think) has a link to JibberJobber on their TAP website (if you are military, you know what TAP is :p).  Otherwise, its mostly been through word of mouth, letting people know about the one year upgrade. When I was on my big 2015 speaking tour, I forgot to mention this in 12 of my 13 presentations.  I regret that (I always tweak my presentations up to the last minute, and simply forgot to make this a big deal). Sorry about that but here I am to tell you, and everyone else, that veterans can simply ask for a one year upgrade, and well give it to them. Its that simple. The best thing to do is to mail Liz your DD-214, or email us from a military email address. Please share this with as many active duty, veterans, and military families as you can.  I wish the military would more proactively share this, but I have had a very hard time getting it in front of anyone who is willing to share it. I was looking at my archives to see if I could find other information check out these links: The first post I did on this, about a month after I started blogging.  This has been going on for over 9 years, and I dont see it stopping: JibberJobber for the troops Why have I given this away for so long?  Here are some reasons: JibberJobber for veterans: why? Who else in the career space is helping veterans?  Here are private business owners who have stepped up: Career Service Providers Who Provide Discounts for Military Vetearns

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Use Your Grant Writing Cover Letter Resume Service to Give Your CV the Attention it Deserves

How to Use Your Grant Writing Cover Letter Resume Service to Give Your CV the Attention it DeservesWhen you want to give your CV the attention it deserves, you need to use a grant writing cover letter resume service. This is a resource that is able to help you with the design of your cover letter.In many cases, people are too busy to look for these types of resources. They get so busy, they forget about the way to customize their cover letters. There are just a few things that you will want to take note of when you are creating your own cover letter.First, the way that you write the letter should have your best interests in mind. You will want to be able to convey to your grant writing cover letter resume service what you stand for and what you hope to accomplish in the future. You should also be able to show how you are able to do this for others.A good start is to create an online form that you can take and put in your cover letter. There are many things that you can show off to yo ur prospective employers that you can do through your job. You should know what your goals are so that you can show your employer how willing you are to do things that you need to do.You should also make sure that you have written a full background of yourself. Some people get confused between the actual applications and all of the information that they have on their resume. Your resume is important, but make sure that you also do a little research in order to make sure that you are presenting yourself the best way possible.One way that you can give your letter the attention that you are looking for is to include the exact date that you submitted it. Many people forget to mark that they submitted their application or that they received a letter in the mail because they didn't think about it at all. Be sure to mark every application that you have ever sent in.Your letter should always be professional. Make sure that you make it as professional as possible. It doesn't matter if it is your first or your tenth application. You can always improve upon your experience in order to get the best out of each one that you submit.The attention that you are able to give your letter will decide how much success you will have in applying for grants. When you provide your letter to your grant writing cover letter resume service, they will take it over and they will create a unique design that can be used by you. You will find that when you receive a unique design, you will have an easy time applying for more money.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Buzzword of the year Authenticity

Buzzword of the year Authenticity I went on a business trip and I took my mom. When I got there it was apparent that I was underdressed, so we went shopping. I planned on getting rid of my ratty sneakers, but my mom said I needed a suit. Somehow a civilized disagreement turned into an all-out fight with me and my mom using clothing as a metaphor for everything we hate about each other. At some point, I said under my breath, Im going to write about this is my column. My mom said, Dont do that! Youll make yourself look bad! People will know you didnt dress properly. But here it is. For the world to know. I dressed inappropriately. I ended up buying expensive shoes that I already had at home. And I fought with my mom in public. Surely youve had a moment of failing maybe similar to this one. Dont be so quick to hide it from people, because the new battleground in business is authenticity and youd better get some. The Harvard Business Review (paid) reports this month that authenticity is the trait that uniquely defines great leaders. Generation Y values authenticity above almost everything else, according to a report from demographic research firm Yankelovich Partners. You can already see that playing itself out in advertising, where glitz is over. The power of authenticity hit me recently, when I had a speaking engagement at the Richard Ivey School of Business in Ontario, Canada. In a post-event survey, the reaction of the students was very positive; though ironically it wasnt the content of the speech they cited so much as the authenticity. Research about authenticity by Rob Goffee, professor at the London Business School, explains that authenticity is largely defined by what other people see in you. So you have a good amount of control over how authentic you appear. Being genuine means you dont do or say things you dont believe. Everyone understands this in principle. But people who are authentic are fanatical about it. The other quality you need for authenticity is to be able to relate to a lot of types of people otherwise youll have a career where you only connect to people who are like you. The first thing, then, is to know who you are and what you believe. Then you need to have confidence that being your true self will get you where you want to go. But you dont need to tell everyone everything about yourself every time. It would be impossible, in fact, and any attempt at that would sound insane. You need to manage your authenticity by revealing the parts of you that will best connect with your audience. Success at work requires working well with many different types people while remaining true to yourself. You do not have to agree with everything your boss does, for example. But you have to speak about his policies in ways that remain true to your own values which means not lying but not undermining your boss, either. People who think this task is impossible are actually people who are too lazy to be authentic. The real work of authenticity is not just knowing yourself, but taking the time to understand where other people are coming from and to respect them for that. If you have a fur coat and you love skiing, talk to the animal rights activist about skiing and talk to the seventy-year-old heiress about fur coats. In both cases you can be authentic without putting the other person off. A lot of people think that the business world is not compatible with authenticity. However the exact opposite is true; those who stand out as leaders have a notable authenticity. People are attracted to authenticity because the alternative is so disappointing: Cliched relationships, empty promises and conversation with no soul. What people value in business is what they value in all of life, and that is a real connection. People need to see a genuine part of you and they need to relate to it. So in many cases, a wardrobe mishap or fight with your mom is a good opening.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Subtle Highlights, A Free Modern Resume Template

Subtle Highlights, A Free Modern Resume Template Subtle Highlights, A Free Modern Resume Template Make no mistake, we love bright colors. They just aren’t the best choice for every situation. Sometimes, you need something a bit more understated. For example, if you work in a conservative industry such as accounting, banking, or insurance, your resume shouldn’t be too flashy. Instead, you want to catch the eye of hiring managers in a subtle way. This is where our Subtle Highlights resume template can really shine. This modern resume uses a subtly colored border and other details to give your document some very tasteful embellishments. We think it’s the first step for you take as you prepare to impress potential employers. It features plenty of room to include your career history and educational credentials. We have developed this design in a way that you can easily customize it. You can open it up in MS Word to quickly modify it to match your needs.Finally, this template is absolutely free. You don’t have to pay us or give up any personal information. All you have to do is start the download by clicking the button below. File size: 181 KB Format: .docx Downloaded 9,642 times License: Free, personal use only. Please read the license terms for resources. Download previous article Choosing the Best Colors to Wear for a Job Interview next article How to Ask for a Promotion at Work you might also likeCadmium Yellow: Simple, Yet Elegant Resume Template

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Jobs With Resume Writing Companies - What They Are Looking For

Jobs With Resume Writing Companies - What They Are Looking ForBefore you apply for any jobs with resume writing companies, you should know what qualifications are necessary to be hired. You do not want to waste your time with mediocre candidates when there are plenty of qualified candidates already working in the field you want to work in.Most jobs with resume writing companies only look at resumes to start an interview process. When you send your resume to them, they make an offer based on that resume. That means the key to getting hired is to do the best job possible with your resume.A good resume needs to stand out from the crowd. If you are trying to get hired for a position where you are going to have to do a lot of research, including talking to people who may not be qualified for the job, you need to be prepared to go above and beyond. This means a great resume with stellar references and professional interview skills.The goal of a resume is to show that you can take care of y ourself and your family while still being able to provide value to the company. If your resume says you are an engineer, but you have never done anything in engineering before, this may be a red flag. The resume must make it easy for them to see how you would fit in at the company.Your resume must include past job history and show that you have the necessary qualifications for the job. All of your previous employment information should be listed, including details of each position and why you were the best candidate for that position. In addition, you should include your education and certifications as well as any volunteer work that you did.Skills and abilities that are relevant to the position are not necessary to have, but you should list them anyway. An example would be if you want to work in customer service, you should list the customer service skills you have or that you have already had experience with. Likewise, if you want to work as a sales representative for a certain co mpany, include the skills and abilities that would be required of someone who was looking for a job in that area.It is important to find a resume writer who has a good reputation and can guarantee the quality of the resume. With this reputation in mind, you can get a referral from other applicants to help you choose a writer who has a reputation for high quality. You should also follow up with the writer after receiving their resume to find out if they can meet your needs. At the very least, you should get a second opinion from another applicant before you commit to using their services.When you apply for jobs with resume writing companies, you are demonstrating to the company that you are prepared to do the best job possible in the position you are applying for. This should be the main goal of every aspect of your career and job search.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Inspirational Profile Is The Key Factor for The Success of A Freelancers Career

How Inspirational Profile Is The Key Factor for The Success of A Freelancer's Career â€" Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comFreelancing is probably one of the most rewarding career paths, especially for people with the right combination of skills and experience. You get to determine your own pay, set your own hours, and still have fun with friends and family without having to worry about a nagging boss. As such, many people in formal employment are slowly turning to the freelance world for opportunities, with freelancers now making up over 35% of the American workforce.Still, making it in the freelancing world can be quite a challenge. You have to compete with a global cluster of talented individuals, usually with more experience and a better set of skills. To stand out, one of the many things you need as part of your arsenal is a captivating profile.An inspirational freelancer profile helps bridge the gap between who you are as a person and your professional life, which helps you stand out from the competition.evalIt will not only help you land well-paying clients but can help turn your individual identity into a formidable brand online.Check out why an inspirational freelancer profile is a key ingredient for any successful freelancing career.1. Helps you connect with social platformsevalSocial media has transformed the way individuals and businesses interact with each other. With over 2.5 billion users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media accounts, businesses have never had a better opportunity to succeed. This is also true for freelancers, many of whom depend on networks and digital marketing to get their brands in front of the millions of potential customers on the internet.An inspirational freelancer profile can give your digital marketing efforts a huge boost. People on social media are more likely to relate to freelancers who connect with customers on a personal level, something that social media promotes. Additionally, social media users are more likely to share content that inspires them on the platform, which increases the chan ces of your profile going viral on the internet.2. Enables you to speak to a specific audienceThe internet is a huge platform for freelancers. However, even with the most elaborate digital marketing plan, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. Potential clients are always hidden within a massive global community consisting of different demographic profiles and varying needs. As such, your digital marketing campaign as a freelancer needs to communicate to the right audience, which will also help you cut down on marketing costs.An inspiration freelancer profile speaks volumes about who you are at a personal and professional level.Things like a good logo design and a well-defined skill-set combined with your personal bio can help lead the right clients to your freelance establishment. Therefore, it’s always easy for the right people to come to you instead of you spending time and money going to them. The right client will take one look at your profile, get inspired, and will be knocki ng at your door in no time.3. Helps you come off as an empathetic worker/business ownerevalOne of the fastest ways to lock in a new client is by showing them that you have their best interests at heart. When the client knows that you can give them what they need and want on their terms, they’ll be more than willing to give you their businesses even when you’re competing with more qualified freelancers. This is why being empathetic is a big deal for businesses and freelancers.An inspirational profile lets potential clients know that your motivation comes from a deeper place. It lets them know that you really want to help them solve problems, and that you’re not in the business purely for the money. It shows that you genuinely care and that you’re best-placed to tackle their needs.When coming up with your inspirational profile, develop it with your target clients in mind. Identify and address their pain points, making sure to work some empathy into your solutions.4. Lets you a rticulate the value you’ll addValue addition it a standard requirement in the job market. Clients and employers are always looking for people who will add value to their businesses or projects. But as a freelancer, how do you show a potential client the value that you’ll bring to their project when you’ve never worked with them before?evalOne of the best ways to show them your value-addition capabilities is via a well-written inspirational profile. A profile that explains the “how” instead of the “what” you achieved previous objectives can help you gain critical mileage with potential clients.An inspirational freelance profile lets you better articulate the value that you bring to any new projects while enabling you to establish yourself as a problem solver.Bottom LineevalFreelancing is a dream come true for many people who are stuck in unfulfilling 9-to-5 jobs. It offers a sense of liberation and purpose that is rarely found in traditional employment setups. However, it also requires that you present yourself in a way that will help clients see you in the midst of other competitors.An inspirational freelancer profile is just one of the many cogs in an ever-changing freelance environment. Staying ahead of the competition means delivering value to clients, employing smart marketing techniques, and moving with the times to help you stay relevant.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

10 Crucial Steps To Prepare For The Interview

10 Crucial Steps To Prepare For The Interview Youve secured a job interview, congratulations, all your hard work has paid off.   Now it is time to take to prepare for the interview! Ive worked with  numerous job seekers who have made  assumptions about the interview process which ended up biting them. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll appear. Prepare for the interview by following this checklist. 10 Steps to Prepare for the Interview 1. Know the Format and the Players Be sure you  find out how long the interview will last and what the format will be. In other words, will you meet with interviewers one-on-one or on a panel? Also find out  the names and job titles of the people youll meet. Its really OK to ask these questions, and it shows you know how to prepare for new situations. Its possible that the company may not be able or willing to answer, and its also possible the company hasn’t yet determined who will be interviewing you yet. Or, the company may want to assess how well you respond and react to the element of surprise. Still, the more details you gather, the better you can anticipate preparing for the interview. 2. Know the  Job Get a copy of the most current and/or in-depth job description. If you know someone inside the company, ask if they can forward you a copy of the internal job posting. Sometimes the internal job description has more detail than what was posted online. Talk to people who currently work in the company or who used to work for the company to learn about how the company operates. You may uncover some interesting information. Read and re-read the job description. If you dont have some of the experience required, know how you will respond to that question during the interview. 3. Know the Company Research the company website, LinkedIn account, social media streams and searching for the company name in recent news. If you have difficulty, don’t hesitate to visit your local library and speak to a reference librarian who has access to tools and resources you may not know about. Researching the company will allow you to formulate a solid answer to the question, “what do you know about our company?” Your answer helps set you apart from job seekers who do not research. You want to understand what challenges the company is facing and who the competitors are. Also formulate questions you want to be answered about culture, changes or other news you learned. 4. Know the Interviewers Know something about the people who will interview you. Research them via LinkedIn and Google. You can decrease some of the stress associated with meeting people you don’t know by learning about their backgrounds, such as schools they attended, previous jobs held or maybe even outside interests. And if you have anything in common with them, it makes it easier to build rapport. 5. Prepare your Answers Prepare a STAR story for every requirement listed in the job posting. For example, if the job requires you have the ability to communicate across divisions, recall a time when you had to interact with a cross-functional team and document the STAR story associated with that. Know exactly what you will say when asked, tell me about yourself. While reviewing the job description, you should have noticed what skills and experience seem to be most important to the company. You may also have conducted informational meetings with company insiders to uncover the skills and experience necessary for the role. Remember, your answer should take less than a  minute, so you won’t have time to tell the interviewer everything. Highlight your three to five most relevant qualifications. Then, practice stringing them together cohesively. You can learn more about how to answer this question here. Prepare answers to typical questions about your greatest strength and greatest weakness, and why you left your past positions. There are hundreds of potential questions you could be asked. Here are some to help get you started. While there is no way for you to prepare for all of them, preparing STAR stories and thinking about your answer in advance will help. 6. Practice  Out Loud Writing your answers out on paper will help. Answering questions out loud, either in front of a mirror or video camera, also helps. Sometimes the answer you’ve written doesn’t sound genuine or make sense when spoken. When you take time to rehearse your answers, you have the opportunity to assess how they sound. 7. Craft Your Questions Prepare questions that you want answered. (Check out these 30 questions you can ask). You should have 10 or so prepared, and you don’t have to wait until the end of the interview to ask them. Insert your questions DURING  the interview to make it more conversational. Your questions can be about the job, your future team or the company.  Dont wait until the end of the interview. And please,  don’t ask about money, vacation or benefits during your first interview. Wait for the company to bring up those topics. 8. What  to Bring Bring copies of your resume for each person youll interview with, just in case. Never assume they all have copies. And if you haven’t completed an application yet, be sure you have the exact dates and information to complete the application. 9. Before  You Leave Always ask what the next steps in the process are and when you should follow-up before you exit  the interview. This is your one shot to get these important questions answered. 10. Do You Want This Job? The one and only question you need to walk away from the interview knowing the answer to is … Do you want this job? Have you gathered enough information about the position to answer this question? Gain confidence and prepare for your next job interview. Order now

Friday, May 8, 2020

7 Reasons Why You Havent Discovered Your Dream Biz (And What To Do About It Today) - When I Grow Up

7 Reasons Why You Havent Discovered Your Dream Biz (And What To Do About It Today) - When I Grow Up I have 10 years of coaching hours under my belt with hundreds of clients, and I’ve heard some things. Actually, I’ve heard all the things when it comes to  creative, multi-passionate women discovering, igniting, or achieving their dream careers. And you  are no exception. {I mean that in the best way possible.} The reasons why you haven’t hit on it yet aren’t new or unique, and I hope by laying them out below it makes you feel seen, less lonely and totally freakin’ ready to take some action. Here are the 7 main reasons youre not discovering your dream business, in no particular order: You have too much going on. Whether it’s by choice or not, you have to say No to one thing in order to say Yes to something else. As an extreme extrovert and a recovering people-pleaser, I have total FOMO and always wanna do all the things…but my body and my family shows me otherwise. Look around and see what you can say No to in order to say Yes to moving the needle on your dream business discovery a few times a week. Whether it’s your after-work happy hours, SVU marathons or spin class, remember that you’re working on your long game for long-term happiness! You’re feeling Resistance like whoa (which includes perfectionism, procrastination and more). The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (so recommended!) classifies everything that’s keeping you from following through on your creative pursuits as Resistance. Resistance only exists to stop us, and the longer we don’t do what we’re supposed to â€" what’s calling to us â€" the stronger Resistance gets. Our only way to fight Resistance for the day (because Resistance comes back daily, no matter what)? Do. The. Work. Even if it stinks. Even if you throw it all out. Even if it’s just no good. If you put the work in, Resistance is defeated another day, and those Vampire Voices that suck the good stuff outta ya get softer and softer. You haven’t been struck by lightning or tapped by a fairy to tell you THIS IS IT! I can promise you: you won’t feel like Snow White dancing in the forest and singing to animals when it comes to clarifying the What of your dream business. Usually, there’s fear and lots excuses â€" with some excitement thrown in that you may even decide to ignore. Just because the angels aren’t trumpeting and the “Hallelujah” chorus ain’t being sung doesn’t mean you haven’t found It. The War of Art says, actually, that the closer you get to Doing What You’re Meant To Be Doing, the louder Resistance gets. So it’s actually a good thing when you hear those excuses being shouted at you! It means Resistance feels so threatened by you, bad-ass. You’re not convinced that any of the ideas you’ve come up with are what you’ll want to do for the next 10-30 years. Is it worth starting even when you’re unsure whether it’s “right” or what you “should” be doing? Of course! In this case, the only wrong thing to do is nothing at all. Start somewhere. Anywhere! And keep going. Following whatever makes you feel scared and excited always leads to The Land of No Regrets. You’re ashamed of your new choice and/or don’t immediately identify with it. When I initially heard of life coaching, back in ’06 or ’07, I immediately lit up. Here was a way for me to help others, use my communication skills, and build relationships without having to go to grad school and/or listen to upsetting or depressing stories that my clients tell me (so much respect to the therapists and social workers who do that!). But the reputation that life coaching had then â€" think hippies who read crystals and don’t wear deodorant â€" made me feel totally disconnected. It took me months to reconcile the type of coaching I wanted to do â€" and how I wanted to do it â€" with the stereotype of a life coach. You think it’s too late or you’re too old. It’s not. Don’t believe me? Think of how many years left you have until retirement. Wanna suffer through that? I thought not. You’re afraid you’ll look like a big flake if you decide to start a business now. I had 20 jobs in 7 years (pre-2007!) and still got hired in Corporate America and have been taken seriously as The When I Grow Up Coach (I made the Top 100 Websites For Your Career by Forbes, dammit!). Nobody has a linear career, so shed those expectations and jump on the roller coaster, taking transferable skills and life lessons along the way. If you’re ready to pull the trigger, hit the Commit button, and go down the unknown road towards your dream business, then be careful what you wish for! Here are 5 things you can do today that’ll get you started:   Change your mindset. It’s hippy-dippy but absolutely true: If you don’t believe you can make a grown-up living with a business you love, then you won’t. I honestly believe it’s the biggest roadblock keeping you from your dream business, and once you shift your mindset from Can’t/Won’t to What If, the possibilities open up. I hope it’s comforting to know that I’ve yet to work with a client who found their WHAT and then couldn’t find their HOW. There is always a way. Really look at your finances. I promise you that spending just a couple hours working with the numbers will be more empowering than you think. Even if you do some crunching and realize it’ll take you four years to save up the money you want in order to quit your job and be a Woman of the World (aka full-time entrepreneur), you’re then able to work from a proactive place. What can you cut back on? How can you put more in savings? What can you do in those four years (which’ll probably go down when you commit to cutting back and saving up) to make the career transition as comfortable for you as possible? In my experience, most of my clients realize they can make the transition earlier than they thought once they get familiar with their own numbers. Create your support system. It might not be that your loving family members and trusted friends don’t support you and want the best for you â€" they do! But they probably don’t understand your choice. Why leave a “perfectly good” job to do something that’s not guaranteed? Why “waste” your experience and start all over? These aren’t safe choices, and those who love us want to see us safe and secure. While I feel it’s important to loop your family in to your goals, plans and challenges â€" it can only help if you can count on them for support! â€" it’s also important to be around people who are like-minded in their own goals, plans and challenges. Thankfully, there are both local and virtual places for that, so you can choose how you best receive support. Be kind to yourself as you go through this identity shift. I’ve been hearing statements from my clients that go something like: “I don’t really like this idea of me being  ABC, but I can’t get it out of my head because XYZ.” They’re uncomfortable with the label of the thing they wanna do, not wanting to be seen as a “self-improvement person” or a “flaky artist.” I know this dis-ease ( on-purpose hyphen) first hand, when I resisted becoming a life coach because I did not want people to assume I’d read their aura or that I braid my leg hair. But once I realized that I could be the life coach for those who, um, also didn’t want their crystals read â€" and that being a life coach fed into my grown-up passions, skill set, values and priorities â€" then I bit the bullet and signed up for my certification. I still introduce myself as a career coach, though. ?? Notice your Vampire Voices. Vampire Voices are the voices in â€" or out of! â€" our heads that suck the good stuff right out of us.  Their why-do-you-think-you’re-so-special? questions and you-could-never-make-it-work quips are our fears articulated, and they keep us away from The Thing That Matters. That’s their whole purpose. But they also point us to what we need to specifically look at so that we can reach our goals. Does your Vampire Voice tell you that you don’t have enough experience for the new job you want to transition to? Then it might be worth looking at how you can build up your confidence in that arena. Does your Vampire Voice say that you’re not unique enough to stand out in a crowded marketplace? Then it might be worth talking to your loved ones about why they think you’re a special snowflake. I highly recommend writing down every Vampire Voice you hear around this dream business journey, and take notes on what you think it’s pointing you to. Which one of these resonated most with you, either now or in the past? What will you start doing today? Leave it in the comments and I promise to comment back with any questions, thoughts or resources that could help!